Linda de Wet

Seniority & Date of Admission:
25 March 2009
Level of Seniority: 6 – 15 Years
Membership Type: Full Member
Practice Description & Academic Background:

Linda de Wet was admitted as an advocate during 2009, whereafter she appeared in various Magistrates Courts, High Courts, CCMAs, Bargaining Councils, tribunals and other like forums. During 2017 and 2018, De Wet worked at a national Property Management Company, where she assisted with various aspects pertaining to community schemes and property management, including attending at the newly-established CSOS, as well as debt collection on behalf of community schemes.

De Wet also sat as a regional committee member of NAMA for 2017/2018, until her return to the Johannesburg Society of Advocates in early 2019. De Wet has a keen interest in children’s rights, environmental law and public international law; and has vast experience in family and matrimonial law, contractual law, property law (including community schemes) and general litigation.

Noteworthy Judgments:
JG v CG 2012 (3) SA 103 (GSJ)

V v V (A5021/12) [2016] ZAGPJHC 311 (24 November 2016)

YRD v KLD (2021/28640) [2023] ZAGPJHC 218 (14 March 2023)

TT and Another v Minister of Social Development and Others 2023 (2) SA 565 (GJ)
Contact Information:
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