Our Group, Maisels Chambers 3, moved from town and established itself in Sandton as far back as 1997. Before this, advocates at the Johannesburg Bar practised from Innes and Schreiner Chambers in the CBD.
This innovative move to the new CBD in Sandton was in fact the catalyst that prompted other groups to leave central Johannesburg and establish themselves in Sandton.
The building we occupy has served as our home for the past 16 years. In 2002 a decision was reached to rename the building Maisels Chambers in honour of one of South Africa’s most respected and well-known advocates, Israel Aaron Maisels QC (1905-1994). He was recognized as one of the legal luminaries at the Bar. His illustrious career spanned more than 60 years during which time he proved to be a fearless and outstanding counsel who appeared in numerous cases involving the defence of human rights. It was only fitting then that former President Nelson Mandela should officiate at the re-naming ceremony held in 2002. Madiba was one of the trialists in the treason trial held at the Old Synagogue in Pretoria in 1958. The defence was led by Maisels QC.
After their acquittal the trialists wrote the following letter to Maisels QC shortly before he left to join the Bench in what was then Southern Rhodesia:
Throughout the long, dreary years of our trial, we are proud to have been defended by you, not only because we know that in you we have had the best defence that this land could supply, but we have been proud because we know of the magnificent legal battles that you have fought to preserve the rule of law, ……we are proud of you and we shall wait for you one day to come back to a South Africa which will honour you as you should be honoured.